Thursday, September 9, 2010

Documentation and Depiction

After ruling out several ideas that I discovered did not work, I ended up doing prints of my face sweat. Sounds strange!

Running is a sort of release for me. It is a relaxing yet physically challenging activity that changes the way I think of time. It also has an effect on my body that changes over time. Like most people, I sweat. And I sweat a lot.

I ended up going for a run for one hour with a roll of six pieces of paper and a drawing pencil. I stopped running about every ten minutes and pressed paper up against my face.

My sweat created very interesting, ever-changing prints on the paper. As soon as I removed the paper from my face, it began drying so my job was to capture the original marking as fast as I could. I traced it with a drawing pencil then rolled it back up with the others and continued running...felt like I was on some sort of a mission. Papers looked like a baton and I was entirely consumed by the project. I had to shake off my first impulse to wipe all the sweat from my forehead and just let it drip. I also became more aware of the weather-how humid it was, how breezy. The breeze I created while running cooled my face off a bit but as soon as I stopped, I instantly became three times as sweaty.

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