Thursday, September 2, 2010

Documentation and Depiction: Brainstorming

Even brainstorming for this assignment caused me to pay more attention to my surroundings. I noticed my own repetitive actions such as constantly checking my mailbox, watching my shadow while walking, thinking about certain activities or people.

Several ideas came from this:

-Keeping track of how my shadow changes while walking to and from Arts West throughout the day

-How the movement of the sun throughout the day (maybe every hour) effects where people sit/stand/flock to...take photographs of a certain spot every hour

-Sit in one spot for an hour and count how many people I see checking their phones

Drawing is my favorite medium so I'd like to incorporate that in addition to photography.

1 comment:

  1. first assignment could be really interesting as drawings... second too, in terms of drawing a kind of map...third idea sounds strongest to me, because of the larger cultural/social issues that emerge; this would inspire rich conversation. the question is how to best represent the data? glad you have been paying more attention! wait until the end of the class! :)
