Monday, October 25, 2010


Since my original idea for the Bodies and Interactions project didn't exactly work out, I've decided to revise it a bit. While I will still be using projections, I've expanded on my original plans. I plan to do a phantasmagoria show this Sunday, Halloween, in the same fashion as a nineteenth century show.

But what is phantasmagoria?

Phantasmagoria: (OED)

1. A name invented for an exhibition of optical illusions produced chiefly by means of the magic lantern, first exhibited in London in 1802. (Sometimes erroneously applied to the mechanism used.)

b. Extended to similar optical exhibitions, ancient and modern.

2. A shifting series or succession of phantasms or imaginary figures, as seen in a dream or fevered condition, as called up by the imagination, or as created by literary description

3. transf. A shifting and changing external scene consisting of many elements.

This week I will be experimenting with what type of lantern I want to use. The original, "magic" lantern that was used consisted of a candle and a concave mirror that was used to project frightening images such as skeletons, demons, and ghosts onto walls, smoke, or semi-transparent screens, frequently using rear projection. The projector was mobile, allowing the projected image to move and change size on the screen, and multiple projecting devices allowed for quick switching of different images. Ideally, I will try to recreate this type of lantern, possibly multiple lanterns, depending on how much light I need. The event will take place at dusk, around 7:30 or 8:00 on the 31st.
I haven't decided on a place yet but I will be projecting my images on a large white sheet, probably hung between two trees. I will create several of my own projections and also invite the audience (in advance) to bring their own. Once again, my main challenge will be logistics- getting enough lanterns, figuring out how much light I will need, etc. I'd like to do it on campus in a well-traveled spot but if this doesn't work out, I plan to use this grassy area in my apartment complex and invite everyone who lives in Oak Hill. I really want this to be an event- a performance piece that really gets into the spirit of the holiday and the tradition.

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