Sunday, September 26, 2010

Experimenting with Sound and Loops

Looking through the Prelinger Archive, I came across quite a few old, cheesy horror/sci-fi films that I thought really revealed a lot about the culture at that time: what people were scared of, entertained by, what they took seriously, etc. Most of all, I was struck by how absurd and poorly produced they were. I wanted to play on that absurdity with this assignment and use the loops to emphasize that.

I'm a little disappointed however, with how it turned out. I'm happy with the footage but I feel like the sound loops aren't very rhythmic or interesting to listen to. There is almost a disconnect between the three different soundtracks when they should all be working together. The point of a sound loop is to change the meaning and create a new one altogether with the repetition and abstraction. Marlee's video, for example, was successful with that. I wish I had gotten a little more feedback with the sound but luckily I can still go back and fiddle with the length, levels, etc.

1 comment:

  1. As far as sound, it really is pretty good: one foregrounded sound, two prominent background sounds...all create an interesting rhythm together. The most interesting sound probably is the one that appears to say "just get up"... it's a little less obvious and it anchors the rhythm, changing the composition throughout, as the rhythm changes. Of course, there is much possibility about working with levels, especially in FC, making one sound less/more prominent throughout, and that could add a whole other dimension to it.
